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vaccinating a dog

Seed Starting Tips #1 and #2

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener", Spring Projects, Tools & Techniques

Tip #1: Preparing your soil.  Before you put your potting mix in the container where you will be germinating seeds, put the mix in a large bowl and add hot water. Work the soil in your hands until it's all mixed.  Add more hot water if necessary to keep it moist (about like oatmeal) but not too moist!  See video. This is the consistency you want.  Whenever I've had difficulty with germination or with fungus growing on seeds it's because…
Tip #1: Preparing your soil.  Before you put your potting mix in the container where you will be germinating seeds, put the mix in a large bowl and add hot water. Work the soil in your hands until it's all mixed.  Add more hot water if necessary to keep it moist (about like oatmeal) but not too moist!  See video.…

vaccinating a dog

Hellebores, Early Spring Bloomers in your Garden

Category: Flower Gardens, Garden Planning, Plant Ideas & Info, Spring Projects, Tools & Techniques

Helleborus orientalis is also called Lenten Rose. In horticulture circles it’s well known that you can’t rely on common names to reveal the true identity of a plant.  The name Lenten Rose sends a mixed signal because it is not in the rose family, but it does bloom during the Lenten season.  In our part of the country that makes it an early spring bloomer!…
Helleborus orientalis is also called Lenten Rose. In horticulture circles it’s well known that you can’t rely on common names to reveal the true identity of a plant.  The name Lenten Rose sends a mixed signal because it is not in the rose family, but…

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